Firewall pioneer Kramer bets on shift to cloud security

February 10, 2016

Check Point Software Technologies co-founder Shlomo Kramer, a pioneer of efforts to protect businesses from cyber attacks, is betting on security in the cloud as the sector’s next big development. Moving network protection to the cloud could ultimately replace the very firewalls developed by Check Point and eliminate the need for costly appliances, consisting of hardware and software, that are a $50 billion market, Kramer said.

After leaving Check Point in 1998, Kramer has used his fortune to establish and finance an array of start-ups and helped to set up California-based Imperva in 2002.

Imperva taps into a shift away from perimeter defenses such as firewalls to secure data and web applications by detecting and preventing attacks before they reach inside an organization. Now in a further evolution, the former member of the Israeli army’s elite 8200 technology unit is launching Cato Networks with former Imperva colleague Gur Shatz.

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