Why SASE is the right architecture to replace your Telco MNS

Changes in how businesses operate today are incompatible with telco managed network services (MNS). You need a new kind of provider; one that can deliver the agility, cost- efficiency, and reliability needed in the era of cloud and mobile, while giving you back the control of your network.

We call this new provider the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) provider. Read our whitepaper to understand why SASE is the right architecture to replace your telco MNS, and how it successfully addresses your evolving business needs.

You’ll also learn about the benefits of:

  • Cloud-native software and the convergence of networking and security into one service.
  • Global private backbone with optimized connectivity, high availability, and support for cloud and mobile.
  • Flexible service management options, with zero touch provisioning and immediate expert support.

Get the Whitepaper