Cato Management Application

The Cato Management Application (CMA) provides full visibility and control of the customer’s Cato environment. Administrators can define security and networking policies, manage sites and user connectivity, and investigate incidents – all through a single pane of glass. CMA is a native part of the Cato platform, with no software to install or hardware to deploy.

Security Threats Dashboard network Analytics Dashboard Mobile Users Dashboard Account Topology View XDR Stories Dashboard RBAC Role Configuration License and Inventory Management Best Practices Analyzer

Cato Management Application Capabilities

Consistent Policies Everywhere

All Cato capabilities are developed in alignment with the Cato Management Application, ensuring a true single pane of glass for managing Cato SASE deployments. Policies for security engines like FWaaS, Threat Prevention, CASB, DLP, RBI and all upcoming capabilities are centrally managed and consistently enforced throughout the Cato SASE Cloud platform. There is no need to push configurations to disparate devices that often create gaps in security posture and extend attack surface. With Cato, Administrators can be assured of comprehensive global security coverage with changes taking effect in just minutes across their entire organization.

Security Threats Dashboard

A One-Stop-Shop for Network Management

Cato delivers all networking and security capabilities from a single software stack, enabling a truly unified management application. Network configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting are centrally managed from CMA. Customers have full visibility and control over physical and cloud network connectivity via Cato’s Edge SD-WAN, IPsec or Cross-connect, and the enterprise’s routing, DNS, DHCP, QoS, and network optimization via Cato’s global private backbone. Networking and Security teams can collaborate on resolving incidents using one platform, increasing efficiency and productivity.

network Analytics Dashboard

Instant Visibility to Actionable Information

The Cato Management Application provides complete visibility into your entire enterprise environment, from a high-level topology view, through summary dashboards and all the way down to specific sites, users, or events. The topology view shows the real time status of all sites and users with information regarding their location, connectivity, and key statistics. Dashboards provide summarized information across key dimensions such as threats, cloud and application usage, network performance and remote access. The event discovery engine allows customizable searches across all events in the account: security, network, access, and devices. The ability to move from real-time view to a historical dashboard and then to a filtered list of events in a few clicks makes CMA a highly efficient monitoring and troubleshooting tool for administrators.

Account Topology View

Streamlined Investigation for Security Incidents

Cato enables security teams to address incidents within the same platform that provides their network and security management. Indicators of compromise are grouped by Cato XDR into ‘stories’ and presented to the security teams in a dedicated CMA XDR workbench. A single click on a story expands the details of the incident together with a full set of investigation tools. Information syntax, objects and reference to events and policies is consistent and easy to understand. Remediation steps can be easily initiated through the CMA increasing the enterprise’s ability to respond to attacks in a timely fashion.

XDR Stories Dashboard

Provision and Manage Your Administrators with Granular RBAC

Protecting and controlling administrators’ CMA access is paramount to ensuring strong security posture for your organization. The CMA is designed to seamlessly fit into the IT organization structure with support for your SSO and MFA providers and policies. Granular role-based access controls (RBAC) can be defined allowing specific administrators or teams control over specific geographies and the domains they are responsible for. All administrator activity is logged in a comprehensive audit trail, ensuring full management accountability of your SASE environment.

RBAC Role Configuration

Centrally Manage Your Licenses and SD-WAN Hardware

The CMA provides visibility into licensing and edge SD-WAN hardware. Administrators can review license allocations for sites, users, and services at a glance, ensuring proper coverage for current deployment and future growth. The Cato Socket edge SD-WAN appliance status can be tracked through the full device life cycle from shipment tracking, deployment status, software updates, and RMA. Bringing license and hardware inventory management into CMA creates a comprehensive but simple experience for administrators to manage the full breadth of their Cato environment.

License and Inventory Management

The Cato Management Application Video Demo

The Cato Management Application provides complete control over the entire SASE deployment, allowing to configure security and networking policies with complete visibility that allows rapid identification and investigation of threats and policy violations.

Die strategischen Vorteile einer echten SASE-Plattform

Von Grund auf als echte Cloud-native SASE-Plattform konzipiert, nutzen alle Sicherheitsfunktionen von Cato heute und in Zukunft die globale Verteilung, massive Skalierbarkeit, fortschrittliche Ausfallsicherheit, ein autonomes Life Cycle Management und das einheitliche Verwaltungsmodell der Cato-Plattform.


Konsistente Durchsetzung von Richtlinien

Cato erweitert alle Sicherheitsfunktionen global, um eine konsistente Durchsetzung von Richtlinien überall und für jeden zu gewährleisten, von den größten Datenzentren bis hin zu einem einzelnen Benutzergerät.


Skalierbarer und widerstandsfähiger Schutz

Cato lässt sich skalieren, um Multi-Gig-Datenströme mit vollständiger TLS-Entschlüsselung und über alle Sicherheitsfunktionen hinweg zu prüfen und kann sich nach Ausfällen von Dienstkomponenten automatisch wiederherstellen, um einen kontinuierlichen Sicherheitsschutz zu gewährleisten.


Autonomes Life Cycle Management

Cato stellt sicher, dass die SASE-Cloud-Plattform eine optimale Sicherheitslage, eine Serviceverfügbarkeit von 99,999 % und eine Sicherheitsverarbeitung mit geringer Latenz für alle Nutzer und Standorte aufrechterhält, ohne dass der Kunde eingreifen muss.


Zentrale Oberfläche

Cato bietet eine einzige Oberfläche für die konsistente Verwaltung aller Sicherheits- und Netzwerkfunktionen, einschließlich Konfiguration, Analyse, Fehlerbehebung sowie Erkennung von Vorfällen und Reaktion auf diese. Ein einheitliches Verwaltungsmodell erleichtert die Übernahme neuer Funktionen durch die IT und das Unternehmen.


„Wir haben einen Einbruchs- und Angriffssimulator auf Cato laufen lassen, die Infektionsraten und die laterale Bewegung sind einfach gesunken, während die Erkennungsraten gestiegen sind. Dies waren Schlüsselfaktoren für das Vertrauen in die Sicherheit von Cato.“

Cato testen

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