
AI 與 ML 已成為現代技術中的核心要素。無論是在研發領域還是日常運作中,AI 和 ML 都展現出幫助企業與個人突破人類思維極限的價值。Cato Networks 在 SASE 服務的各個環節中運用 AI 和 ML,結合雲端運算與先進的數據科學,為客戶提供可靠、精確且高效的網路與安全架構。

Examples of AI/ML Usage in the Cato SASE Cloud Platform

Threat lntelligence

Timely threat intelligence is key to maximizing security efficacy and minimizing false positives. Adversaries know how enterprises struggle to maintain threat intelligence data, and leverage that to evade detection. Cato uses AI/ML in a purpose-built threat intelligence software that can process hundreds of feeds without any human involvement. Every 2 hours, the AI/ML based pipeline processes every IoC (Indicator of Compromise) in every feed, examining it against other IoCs, hit counters, age and other parameters to generate a popularity score, and using that to decide if to add, keep or remove it from a global blacklist of over 5 million IoCs.

To find out more about our Threat Intelligence mechanisms, read our blog: Security Testing Shows How SASE Hones Threat Intelligence Feeds, Eliminates False Positives

Threat Prevention

Attackers are continuously evolving their techniques to overcome standard prevention tools such as SWG, IPS, DNS security and others. Their advantage comes from the modus operandi of traditional tools being well known, and based on identifying patterns of known attacks. Cato built and trained ML engines to identify and block attacks in real-time without being dependent on such pattern matching. Instead, we use advanced mathematical models trained on data from our vast data lake, to calculate the maliciousness of a domain or a URL and use that score to decide whether or not to block.
Cato Networks was the first security vendor to use ML models in real-time prevention, and not just detection.

For more on AI/ML applications in real-time threat prevention in the Cato blog:

Client & Device Classification

Knowing which devices are observed on the network is imperative from a security perspective, identifying anomalies through unknown operating systems or unsanctioned devices on the corporate network is a small subset of the possible ways to secure a network. To keep up with the constantly changing landscape of OS’s and devices we use our data lake to train advanced ML models, creating accurate and robust network identification rules able to classify clients in real-time and apply security controls on them.

Find out more in our deep-dive blog posts on how ML is applied on the Cato blog:

Application Classification

The number of web applications (SaaS) is ever growing and maintaining it at scale can be done in one of two ways: employment of large teams of analysts and wasting time propping up the myth of the more applications in the catalog the better, or training AI/ML to do the work in a data-driven approach. Cato selected the latter. We use AI & ML to identify the most important and in-use unclassified applications from the network traffic that traverses our SASE Cloud. We then have the AI/ML mine meta data to enrich what we know about each application, and to calculate a risk score our customers can use in their access and governance decisions.

Find out more about how Cato manages its App Catalog on the Cato blog:

Detection and Response

SOC and NOC groups go through a daily and labor-intensive process of detection, investigation, and remediation of issues. In the Cato SASE Cloud Platform, AI and ML are used extensively to make SOC and NOC teams better informed and faster. Beyond the initial hunting and detection of issues in which AI/ML is table stakes, additional empowerment is provided. Generative AI is used to summarize incidents in seconds. ML engines suggest incident criticality for efficient triage, and flag incidents with similar characteristics to properly understand the magnitude of the issue or the attack. These and many more help identify and resolve issues in record-breaking time, minimizing and even eliminating damage.

For more details read our technical writeups on the Cato blog:

Autonomous, Self-healing Infrastructure

Building, scaling and operating a SASE cloud service is a huge engineering endeavor, especially when serving as the enterprise’s critical infrastructure and required to deliver a 99.999% uptime SLA. To achieve this, reliance on human involvement to identify and resolve issues in real-time is not a scalable option. Cato has been continuously developing and training software engines to monitor, analyze and identify infrastructural issues based on previous patterns and identifying early symptoms, responding to them proactively. With those purpose-built tools, our cloud service can self-diagnose and self-heal in real-time, making sure the service SLA delivered as promised. Cato’s expert operations teams step in after the issue has been resolved temporarily, analyze the root cause, and apply a permanent fix.

AI/ML 部落格、專業刊物與主題演講


真正 SASE 平台的策略性優勢

Cato 平台以真正雲端原生的 SASE 平台為基礎設計,無論是現有還是未來的安全功能,都充分利用其全球分佈、大規模擴展能力、卓越的韌性、自主生命週期管理以及一致的管理模式。


Cato 將所有安全功能延伸至全球,從大型數據中心到單一用戶裝置,全面實現一致的政策執行。


Cato 可擴展至檢查多 Gbps 的流量,包括完整的 TLS 解密及所有安全功能,並具備自動復原能力,能在系統元件故障時確保安全保護不中斷。


Cato 確保 SASE cloud 平台始終保持最優化的安全狀態、99.999% 的服務可用性,以及低延遲的安全處理,全面覆蓋所有用戶和據點,且無需客戶額外操作。


Cato提供的統一管理平台,讓貴機構可以穩定而可靠地管理所有安全及網絡功能,包括配置、分析、故障排除以及事件檢測與回應。統一管理模式讓 IT 團隊和企業能更輕鬆地採用新功能。

「我們在 Cato 上進行了攻防模擬測試,結果顯示感染率和橫向移動明顯降低,而偵測率則大幅提升。這些因素是信任 Cato 安全性的關鍵所在。」

試試 Cato 吧

IT 團隊一直期待的解決方案。
